Thursday, March 1, 2012

January 2012

Wow...another month has come and gone. I can't believe it! It's been such a fast beginning to 2012. We did so many things this month.

We rang in the new year with a little alone time. Nick and I decided to take advantage of my parents being here for a visit, and we took in a movie that day. It was so nice to get away for a little while. Later that day we realized that Ryker probably had more than a cold. He seemed to be feeling worse even though he was still acting pretty good. Have I mentioned how lucky we are to have this good boy? I wasn't able to get him into the pedi until a couple days later (due to the holiday), and he was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and a double ear infection. It was Ryker's first illness. :( He took a round of antibiotics for 10 days, and he was feeling better within a couple days. I am so glad that was the first and only sickness he has had to deal with so far. I am so proud every day that I am still breastfeeding and staying home with him. It's been a wonderful blessing on both fronts, and I know Ryker is truly flourishing because of it. :)

We went to SA the second weekend of January. We met up with my friend Jaylyn and her family to celebrate Christmas on Friday evening. It was nice to see them all! Valerie and I had a spa day at the JW Marriott on Saturday. It was a birthday gift for both of us. If you have never heard of this place or seen should check it out! It's AMAZING! We both booked hot stone massages and facials. We went to our treatments that afternoon, and we hung out that night at the hotel bar and a sports bar. It was really fun! We stayed the night there. We watched TV and ate junk food was like a real sleepover! The next day, after we got back to my parents' house, we had a family get together for Val's birthday. It was so nice to see everyone that day too.

Ryker also turned 7 months old in January. :) He weighed 16 pounds and 6 ounces when he went to the doctor for his illness at the beginning of the month. He is into EVERYTHING now. Constantly rolling around and scooting, turning in circles on the floor. SO close to crawling. He likes to stand with help, and he attempts to pull up on few of his toys. He laughs all the time, and he is saying more and more clear sounds that aren't quite words. He did say Da Da for the first time right around Val's birthday. I am so jealous about that! I am trying to be more and more vocal with him daily. He is eating baby food now for all three meals (along with cereal in the morning), and he tried apple juice last week for the first time. He wasnt't that into it. He is also eating some of the Gerber Graduate items...puffs, Cheetos, and yogurt drops in a variety of flavors. He is definitely getting more and more self-sufficient with feeding himself the snacks. He is really enjoying looking at books right now and playing with things he can bang together. He learned to wave "HI" at my parents' house a couple weeks ago. He now does the same movement for "HI" and "BYE." I am utterly amazed at how he soaks learning in like a sponge. So fun!

Nick went to work in Denver for a week too so Ry and I headed to SA to spend some time with family and friends. We had a great couple days hanging with my parents and Auntie Val. We spent some time shopping, and we surprised my dad with a visit to his job. He loved it! He was so excited to show Ryker off. What a proud peacock! It was great! I spent some time on Wednesday with one of my best friends, Carmen, at her house. I brought over lunch, and then we hung out with the little boys and talked all afternoon. I love those times! Carmen and I could talk until the end of time I think. :) Ryker and I headed back home the next day, and Nick came back that night. We had a wonderful weekend together as a family.

I had a few lunches scattered throughout the month with friends. I was also able to get a little "me" time this past weekend with some neighbors and friends. Saturday night my neighbors and I went to a place called "Pinot's Palette." Look it up! It was so much fun! You pay to go paint a specific painting with directions from an instructor, and they supply the canvas, paint, and brushes too. You are encouraged to bring wine to enjoy as you paint. I took beers and a koozie. :) High class! There are 3 in the Houston area and one in the Dallas/FW area. The class calendar online tells you what they are painting at any given session and the price. Classes are 2-3 hours. What a brilliant way to have fun and show off any artistic talent you may have. I think my painting came out pretty well (especially for a first-timer), and I would definitely go again. We painted Van Gogh's "Starry Night." The following day my friend Brenda and I went to the Country Peddler Show in Rosenberg. I hadn't been to any of the ones out there in a long time. It was another nice break for me, and I found some cool stuff. I am most stoked about a bookcase I got for the blue room. I bought it from a vendor that always has things I love, and I think it looks cute in the room. I also picked up a gift and some yard decor. I was really glad that we went out there. :)

ENJOY some pics from our month...

He always finds my phone...

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