Saturday, June 18, 2011

WeLcOmE RyKeR AnDrEw CaRlSoN

He's finally here!


Ryker Andrew Carlson was born on Friday, June 10th, at 10:22 am. He weighed in at 7 pounds even, and he was 20 inches long. Ryker decided he didn't want to engage in my pelvis, and he also didn't like labor (augmented and not) so he was born by emergent c-section that morning for late decels which are drops in fetal heart rate. Dropping his heart rate like that can lead to decreased oxygenation in his blood which is really dangerous. When Nick and I found out that I was going to have a c-section, we were disappointed and scared, but we knew that was what needed to be done when my OB-GYN recommended it so quickly. She's a really patient doctor as far as waiting it out and giving moms time to deliver vaginally...that's one of the reasons I like her so much. Becoming a family of 3 started with some drama, but we are so grateful that everything turned out so well afterwards. Please enjoy some of the pictures from the day that changed our lives forever. :) (A few are out of order, but these days I don't have time to start over.)

Nick before we left for the hospital...about 3:30 am Friday morning...

One final pic before we head to the hospital

Some pics from right after the OR...

Our first CARLSON family pic

In the OR...

Laying in LDR-6 waiting for Ryker to make his appearance

In the nursery to start transition...Weight time now...

Nick was such a PROUD daddy! He had footprints and Ryker's stats on his shirt.

After coming out to recovery to breastfeed with mom...

Nick got to cut what was left of Ryker's cord in the nursery



Everyone in my room waiting for Ryker to get done in the nursery...Derek, Beth, Val, Nick, Mom, and Dad. They were all wearing their special shirts that I bought them. :)

My first look at him since the recovery room...

Papaw's first time holding Ryker

Mamaw's first time holding Ryker

Aunt Val's first time holding Ryker

Beth's first time holding Ryker

Our awesome door sign...updated with Ry's stats. Ashley made it for us!

Checking out the scene after Mamaw dressed him

Getting burped by mom after feeding

So...early Saturday morning Ryker received his Hepatits B shot, and he then decided to hold his breath and change colors. He scared the nursery nurses, and they called his doctor. After talking with one of the neonatologists, they ended up drawing some labs and checking him out a bit more. Everything came back normal, and Dr. Chadda came to see him in person. She said he just held his breath b/c he was angry, and she didn't see any reason to admit him to the NICU. He was just going to be watched closely for now. I was SO happy to hear that, and the pic below was when they brought him out to me after all the above mentioned drama.

Flowers from the Jaskinias

Flowers from my Dad

Uncle Derek saying good-bye before heading back to Dallas

Morgan and Kelly stopped by to visit

Me and my boy! :)

Nick got Ryker dressed for the Mavs game Sunday night

Aunt Val spending some Q time with Ry

Ryker and daddy watching the MAVS game Sunday night...they won!

BRIGHT-eyed boy

Checking his bracelets with Tinnel to go home

In his going home outfit

The back of the outfit

Ready to go home!

Waiting on daddy to bring the Pilot to the doors

Walking out of the elevator

Last pic as a family of 2

We're outta here!

On our way home! YAY!

Hope to see everyone soon! We are definitely up for visitors now, and we would love to see you all.

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