Friday, February 10, 2012

Prayer Request for a Dear & Special Friend

Hello to you all...

Sad news has hit close to home recently in one of my best friends' family. Maya's mom, Barbara, was diagnosed with lung/liver cancer last week. It's in Stage IV according to her doctor, and the option to give her more time is chemo. Maya just moved to Washington state in December since her husband was relocated by the Air Force, and they are working to move back to San Antonio as soon as possible. Barbara started chemo this past Monday, and she is feeling well and pretty positive according to Maya. I have known both of these incredible women since I was 14 years old. Crazy.

It's definitely going to be a difficult and trying time for Barbara, Maya, Tim, and their kids and Maya's brother Adam. I ask you all to please remember to include them all in your prayers as I have been every day. I know that all I can do right now is be as supportive as possible to my friend, and I am trying hard to do that every day as well. We all know cancer is a heart-breaking illness. Barbara is, and always has been a fighter, so I know she will fight this every day as hard as humanly possible. Hugs and prayers to you Barb. <3

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And he will make your paths straight.”
(Proverbs 3:5-6)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

CoUnT yOuR bLeSsInGs!

This has been a tough week for me so far. Why? I don't know exactly. I have felt run down every day, and I don't like my attitude. I have so many things to be happy about and grateful for, and I can't muster a smile sometimes. I don't know if my body is still adjusting to the healthier eating thing? Or maybe it's because I haven't exercised at all. I have still been counting my points and doing my WW online stuff...thank god. It isn't out of control in that aspect. Maybe it's because Ryker doesn't really sit still anymore? He is into EVERYTHING! Maybe it's because the weather's been so dreary? Or because I feel like I have been sleeping poorly some nights? Having no energy sucks. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I really need to get a grip. It's pathetic.

I have friends going through really tough times right now, and I have no reason to be acting the way I have been. I have a superb husband, an awesome baby, a wonderful family, great friends, and good health. I am also lucky enough to stay home with Ryker (without crazy sacrificing), and most days I have time to do a little something for myself if I so choose. I also live in a nice house and have lots of nice things. With all that being said, I am going to stop this mood right here...right now. DONE.

I don't know if anyone will read this blog or comment on it, but I already feel better after writing this stuff out. It feels good to let your feelings out in writing sometimes even if no one else cares about it. I will continue to pray for those who are dealing with challenges at the present time. I can't understand what you are going through, but I can say I am here for you. That's the most I can do right now. Please let me know if I can do anything for any of you. <3