Trying out his "big boy" bassinet the day before we left...he did so good! He loved it!
Here's the proof...Ry's first time going 8.5 hours between feedings at night. :)
Daddy and Ry man that cute!
Ryker's first time in a size 3 month sleeper
One of the many cotton fields on the way down to Port A. They were harvesting it.
My sleeping passenger...
Where are we going mom?
His first time on a ferry...he didn't like it! Too windy!
The view from our condo
Papaw and Ry...I love his little fish butt!
Mom and Dad at Kody's
Michael and Val at Kody's
Nick and I at Kody's
I was trying to make more ice for everyone by using the trays, and I dropped the whole thing. Way to go!
Mamaw and Ryker
Game night has started! Reminding Michael how to play 10,000.
Ry wanted to play too! He didn't wanna go to bed yet.
"Elephant Show" flashbacks
Friday morning brought some relaxing before breakfast and Dad's 54th birthday! After eating, we all headed down to the beach. It was Ryker's first time down there. I wasn't sure how he would do, but he did well. He stayed down there with us a couple hours before my mom and him headed back to the condo for feeding and nap time. They both came back later that afternoon for a bit, and then the 3 of us headed back to the condo for the evening. Everyone else joined us a little later, and we all had a great Mexican food dinner that night to celebrate Dad's birthday. Presents and more game night followed after that...
Watching Momma pump
I am 8 weeks old today!
Yay! First time on the beach!
Our awesome set-up!
Our first family beach photo!
Happy birthday Dad!
The guys beside us on the beach finished fishing for the day, and left this...their bait...out in the water by us. We didn't want it just floating out in the surf so Val brought in it. The seagulls were feasting on it. It was kinda cool to see inside a shark. We touched it too. Above is his fin.
He was out!
And so was Daddy...
Present time!
Saturday morning the girls were all up early to take Ryker down to the swimming pool for the first time. The pool was completely was great. I dressed him up in his little swim trunks, swim shirt, and flip-flops. He looked so cute! As you can see, he didn't really like the pool, which was heated. We still took some really cute pics anyway, but we were only down there maybe 10 minutes total. Afterwards, we headed back to the condo for breakfast. More beach time followed that (Ryker and I joined everyone for a couple hours), and that night Nick grilled us hamburgers for dinner. We watched most of "Fried Green Tomatoes" and then it was game time again.
With his swim trunks on...
Pool baby!
He's trying to figure out what's going on...
Ryker in the pool for the first time!
Mamaw made us take pics of him on this...go figure! She loves him so much!
Too bad he didn't look up...
Aunt Val and Ryker
His baby thongs :)
On the beach day #2
Above: With Mamaw on the beach
Dad and his first catch of the day
Dad with his second catch
After his bath in his shark towel
Sunday morning we checked out of the condo by 10, and we headed to Island Cafe (another tradition) for breakfast before we all headed our separate ways. We had a wonderful trip this year. It was very different for all of us (especially me) with Ry's addition, but we wouldn't have it any other way. I am already looking forward to going back next year!
At Island Cafe
Nick and I at breakfast
Mom and Dad :)
M and V
Here's some of Ryker's 2 month pics. He is doing so well! He is the best baby a new mom could ask for, and he did great last week at his 2 month check-up (He actually went on his two month birthday). He cried shortly right before, during, and right after his shots, but he was so good the rest of the day. He weighed in at 11 pounds and 8 ounces, and he was 22 3/4 inches long. He is smiling, cooing, and I think he's even laughed a couple times. He is definitely enjoying his activity mat and tummy time more, and he recently sat up in the Bumbo for the first time. He is sleeping 8 hours between feedings most nights, and once he feeds between 4-5 am, he goes back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. :) It's been wonderful getting more sleep and feeling human again. My body appreciates it so much. I am finally feeling back to normal most days.
Ryker had a play date last week with baby Hayden. Hayden is 2 weeks old. The boys are about 6 weeks apart. I used to work with Hayden's mom, Holly, at my old hospital here. We are so excited that the boys are so close in age, and they only live about 5 miles from our house. How awesome is that?
Happy boy...